Lehigh Valley food inspections: Bed, clothes in food facility; altered expiration dates, unapproved pesticides around … – The Morning Call

Here are the food safety inspection reports from Lehigh and Northampton counties, conducted the week of Dec.17.

Each week, we highlight the inspection reports provided through the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. The department performs the inspections in many areas, while some municipalities such as Allentown and Bethlehem conduct their own inspections.

All establishments are inspected once per year, and inspectors may return several more times if the initial inspection is not passed or complaints are received. (For more information on how food safety inspections are conducted in Pennsylvania, view a list of FAQs.)

As noted by the Department of Agriculture, the reports are merely a “snapshot” in time, and they may not be representative of the restaurant’s long-term condition. Many of the violations are corrected on the spot prior to the inspector leaving the establishment.

If a food provider is considered “out of compliance”, that means it has one or more violations that require a return visit by an inspector. The establishment is given time to fix the violations and remains open for business.

You can view the complete inspection reports for any establishment in the Department of Agriculture’s food safety inspection database. To report an illness after eating or drinking at an establishment, use the department’s complaint form. (Please don’t contact us: we do not inspect restaurants.)

12th Street Tavern

247 N 12th St., Allentown

Latest inspection: 12/19/2023

Inspection type: Complaint by Allentown City

Compliance: Out

Violations: 2

  • Observed evidence of rodent contamination on the snacks along the back shelf. Multiple packages were chewed through and rodent droppings and urine was staining the boxes storing the snacks. Discard all affected food items and ensure food is stored in a way that prevents pest contamination.
  • Evidence of rodent activity observed along the snack wall. Rodent droppings and stains from urine were seen on the soda can boxes as well as throughout the boxes holding the chocolate bars and other snack items. Increase pest control measures and provide proof of certified pest control company services to AHB.

A1 Food Market

801 N 4th St., Allentown

Latest inspection: 12/18/2023

Inspection type: Follow-up by Allentown City

Compliance: Out

Violations: 10

  • The Food Facility Operator shall be the Person in Charge or shall designate a Person in Charge and shall ensure that a Person in Charge is present at the food facility during all hours of operation.
  • Expired baby food was observed in the retail area. *These were discarded.
  • Thermometers for ensuring proper temperatures of food are not available or readily accessible. Acquire this piece of equipment.
  • Food facility does not have available sanitizer test strips or test kit to determine appropriate sanitizer concentration. Operator provided a thermometer before the end of the inspection.
  • There is icecream spilled inside the freezer in the retail area. Clean the freezer.
  • Observed no chemical sanitizer being used on equipment and utensils after washing and rinsing them, and prior to use. All food contact surfaces must be washed, rinsed and sanitized with a proper sanitizer.
  • The handwash sink in the back kitchen area was blocked by plastic containers and not accessible at all times for employee use. Remove these items.
  • The handwash sink in the bathroom is leaking. Repair this sink.
  • Waste not being removed from the food facility at an appropriate frequency as evidenced by overflowing outside dumpster. Remove waste more frequently.
  • Ceiling is falling down due to previous leak issue in the kitchen area and is in need of repair. Repair the ceiling. –Floor tiles are broken in the back kitchen. Fix floor tiles.

AEB Amusements Cotton Candy / CCHD #1308

1400 Morvale Rd., Easton

Latest inspection: 12/19/2023

Inspection type: Regular by Chester County Health Department

Compliance: In

Violations: 3

  • Food facility does not have available sanitizer test strips or test kit to determine appropriate sanitizer concentration. Sample pouch of 15 test strips provided for sanitizer in use. Provide proof of obtaining test strips (such as a picture) to the inspector by the end of the week.
  • The outside of the microwave has some grime building up, and it needs to be cleaned by tomorrow.
  • The handwash sink was blocked by multiple items and not easily accessible for handwashing. Items removed during inspection. Keep hand sink unblocked at all times.

AEB Amusements Funnel Cake / CCHD #1309

1400 Morvale Rd., Easton

Latest inspection: 12/19/2023

Inspection type: Regular by Chester County Health Department

Compliance: In

Violations: 5

  • Several TCS foods (potentially hazardous foods) had been stored in the refrigerator overnight without being date marked. Date mark any TCS foods that are stored in refrigeration overnight or longer.
  • Food facility does not have available sanitizer test strips or test kit to determine appropriate sanitizer concentration Sample pouch of 15 test strips provided for sanitizer in use. Provide proof of obtaining test strips (such as a picture) to the inspector by the end of the week.
  • The sinks had a buildup of grime and debris and need to be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized before they are used. Clean sinks before use.
  • The handwash sink was blocked by multiple items and not easily accessible for handwashing. Items removed during inspection. Keep hand sink unblocked at all times.
  • The floor and area around the fryers have a buildup of grime and debris and need to be cleaned. Clean the floor and area around the fryers by tomorrow.

Bethal Lodge #1284

316 Brodhead Ave., Bethlehem

Latest inspection: 12/21/2023

Inspection type: Regular by Bethlehem City

Compliance: In

Violations: None

Children At-Promise Early Learning Center

1001 E Highland St., Allentown

Latest inspection: 12/19/2023

Inspection type: Regular by Allentown City

Compliance: In

Violations: None


330 Larry Holmes Dr., Easton

Latest inspection: 12/18/2023

Inspection type: Regular by City of Easton Bureau of Health

Compliance: In

Violations: 2

  • The food managers certifications are not posted for public viewing. Post all of the certifications.
  • The decal, on the exhaust hood over the pizza oven, indicates the the exhaust system was last inspected and serviced in September of 2020. Contact your service company and have the service the exhaust system.

EZ Shop Mini Mart

854 Lehigh St., Allentown

Latest inspection: 12/20/2023

Inspection type: Opening by Allentown City

Compliance: In

Violations: None

Geo Halal Meat Inc

1154 Macarthur Rd., Rear, Whitehall

Latest inspection: 12/20/2023

Inspection type: Complaint by Pa. Dept. of Agriculture

Compliance: Out

Violations: 11

  • The Person in Charge did not demonstrate adequate knowledge of the PA Food Code as evidenced by incorrect responses to food safety questions.
  • Food employees observed in food prep area, not wearing proper hair restraints, such as nets, hats, or beard covers.
  • Observed visible evidence, such as pesticides on shelves of prepackaged foods and throughout facility floors, of insect or rodent contaminated foods throughout the facility.
  • Food in the walk in cooler area stored open with no covering. –Raw chicken was stored above open lentils in the walk in cooler.
  • Observed food stored directly on the floor throughout the facility, rather than 6 inches off of the floor as required.
  • Non-food contact surfaces not cleaned at a frequency to preclude accumulation of dirt and soil. -Floors and walls throughout the facility. -Walk in cooler.
  • Floor / walls / ceiling throughout the facility is cracked / roughened / and is not a smooth, easily cleanable surface.
  • Observed cardboard being utilized as a floor covering in the walk in cooler.
  • Observed bedding and clothing materials in the food facility, indicating use of the food facility as living or sleeping quarters.
  • Food facility inspection indicates evidence of heavy rodent activity throughout the facility, but facility does not have a pest control program.
  • A Restricted use pesticide is being applied in the food facility by a non-certified applicator throughout facility.

Grover Cleveland Democratic Association

904 Main St., Bethlehem

Latest inspection: 12/19/2023

Inspection type: Regular by Bethlehem City

Compliance: In

Violations: None

KFC Allentown

1833 S 4th St., Allentown

Latest inspection: 12/21/2023

Inspection type: Regular by Allentown City

Compliance: In

Violations: 1

  • Breaded chicken in the third walk-in cooler was left uncovered. Ensure all food items are covered when not in use.

Luis A Ramos Elementary School (ASD)

1430 W Allen St., Allentown

Latest inspection: 12/21/2023

Inspection type: Regular by Allentown City

Compliance: In

Violations: None

Mega Nutrition LLC

746 Main St., Bethlehem

Latest inspection: 12/20/2023

Inspection type: Opening by Bethlehem City

Compliance: In

Violations: 2

  • Raw wood in cabinets behind sink area must be sealed to be non-porous.
  • Facility must employ a Food employee that has a Food Safety Manager certificate from an ANSI-accredited program.

No. 1 Chinese Restaurant

140 W St., Joseph St., Easton

Latest inspection: 12/18/2023

Inspection type: Regular by City of Easton Bureau of Health

Compliance: In

Violations: 1

  • The floor under the wok table, requires cleaning. Clean this floor.

Patel Beverage

1452 Pennsylvania Ave., Allentown

Latest inspection: 12/19/2023

Inspection type: Opening by Allentown City

Compliance: In

Violations: None

Puerto Rican Beneficial Society

205 E 3rd St., Bethlehem

Latest inspection: 12/19/2023

Inspection type: Regular by Bethlehem City

Compliance: In

Violations: None

Shanty On 19Th

613 N 19th St., Allentown

Latest inspection: 12/20/2023

Inspection type: Regular by Allentown City

Compliance: In

Violations: 4

  • Raw chicken displayed above raw beef, steaks in walkin cooler with no barriers to prevent cross-contamination. Store chicken on lowest shelf, raw meat should be stored on shelf above. *Corrected while on site.
  • Observed in the ice machine that the drip edge, a food contact surface, is dirty in the machine. Remove contents, then wash, rinse, and sanitize the interior of the ice machine.
  • The blower vent located in the walk in cooler has an accumulation of dust present on it. Clean all dust off of unit.
  • Observed evidence of rodent droppings in the dry goods store room, and in some corners of kitchen. All dry good products that have paper packaging are to be placed in heavy duty plastic containers and tightly sealed. Prior to using products examine packaging to assure that they have not been compromised. Contact exterminator to increase control program both inside and outside of the building. Remove any food products and discard if contaminated.

Southside Pizza

704 W Emaus Ave., Allentown

Latest inspection: 12/18/2023

Inspection type: Opening by Allentown City

Compliance: In

Violations: 4

  • Cake was observed without a datemarked in the dining area. Datemark all food with either a discard date or the day it was opened.
  • Prepackaged cake is not labeled with the name of product and is not labeled clearly to indicate any allergens or ingredients. Label food with the common name, ingredients and any of the Big 9 allergens.
  • Food facility does not have available sanitizer test strips or test kit to determine appropriate sanitizer concentration. Acquire this piece of equipment.
  • Unnecessary items not relevant to the facility were observed in the backroom near the mop sink. Remove these items.


2101 Liberty St., Allentown

Latest inspection: 12/19/2023

Inspection type: Regular by Allentown City

Compliance: In

Violations: 2

  • Observed that the area behind the cooking bank was coated in grease and had an accumulation of dust and dirt present. The equipment, gas hoses, and floor all need to be cleaned of grease.
  • Observed in the Men’s bathroom on the lower bar level, the hand sink is pulling off the wall. Reattach as needed. Caulk unit to wall.

Sunflower Daycare Center

1933 Hanover Ave., Allentown

Latest inspection: 12/21/2023

Inspection type: Regular by Allentown City

Compliance: In

Violations: None

Tammany Democratic Association

429 E 4th St., Bethlehem

Latest inspection: 12/19/2023

Inspection type: Regular by Bethlehem City

Compliance: In

Violations: None

Watch Us Grow

160 W Hamilton St., Allentown

Latest inspection: 12/21/2023

Inspection type: Regular by Allentown City

Compliance: In

Violations: None

Wayback Burgers

5585 Hamilton Blvd., Ste A, Allentown

Latest inspection: 12/20/2023

Inspection type: Regular by Pa. Dept. of Agriculture

Compliance: Out

Violations: 10

  • Observed boxes of food and single use items stored directly on the floor in walk in freezer and food prep area, rather than 6 inches off of the floor as required. *Corrected.
  • A bag of cheddar cheese observed thawing in warm standing water in the kitchen sink, which is not an approved thawing method. Discussed the proper method with PIC.
  • A container of hot cheese was held at 85° F, in the hot hold unit, rather than 135° F or above as required. *Corrected by heating up in two hours to required temperature.
  • Refrigerated ready-to-eat time/temperature control for safety food repackaged by the food facility, was being datemarked with a use by or discard by date that was beyond the marked date. *Corrected by voluntarily discarding. Some of the refrigerated ready to eat, time/temperature control for safety food prepared in the food facility and held for more than 24 hours, located in the stand-alone refrigerator, is not being date marked. *Corrected by voluntarily discarding.
  • Observed clean food equipment on shelves stored wet in a manner that does not allow for draining and/or air drying (wet nesting).
  • Food facility has an employee who held a Certified Food Manager certificate; however, the certificate has expired and is no longer valid. Certificate expired on 7/2/23.
  • The food facility does not have the original certificate for the certified food employee posted in public view.
  • The back door located in the back/exit area of the food facility has a gap and does not protect against the entry of insects, rodents, and other animals.
  • Mops stored in dishwashing area not properly hung to dry correctly, with potential to contaminate food equipment and utensils. *Corrected.
  • Spray bottle of sanitizer, taken from bulk supplies, was not marked with the common name of the chemical.

Yudy’s Mama Bear Family Daycare

929 Whittier Dr., Allentown

Latest inspection: 12/21/2023

Inspection type: Regular by Allentown City

Compliance: In

Violations: None